Profil Peter Straub, CEO
Fachkundige Beratung
Profil Peter Straub CEO
It is my job to accompany you on the way to success - from personal decisions to reaching important milestones. As a specialist, I guarantee outstanding results. What drives me is my pursuit of excellence. I always go one step further so that my customers are completely satisfied with my work. Contact me for a free initial consultation.
As a holistic real estate specialist, I have gained my experience over the past decades at the following companies:
Deputy branch manager for Serimo in Basel
Branch manager for Serimo in Lucerne
Key account manager for the UBS pension fund
Head of rental management for Livit in Basel
Branch manager of the company Halter in Basel
Self-employed for over 10 years
Profile Peter Straub, CEO
Expert advice
Ich darf das Bindeglied zwischen Ihnen und Peter Straub sein. Als ausgebildete Kauffrau auf ihrem Weg zum Bachelor of Arts vereine ich Struktur und Kreativität. Diese Fusion bildet mein Fundament, um innovative und nachhaltige Lösungen zu finden. Herausforderungen nehme ich gerne an und lege grossen Wert auf Ehrlichkeit und Offenheit in Ausdruck und Verhalten.
Dies ist mein Einstieg in die Immobilienbranche, doch dank meines
gewundenen Berufs- und Ausbildungsweges darf ich bereits mit
Erfahrungsschatz in dieses Abenteuer starten.
• Studium «Prozessdesing am HyperWerk» an der HGK Basel
• Business Development Associate für HeyJobs in Wien
• Diplomstudium in Design und Keramik an der Kunstschule.Wien
• Sales Assistant im Kundenservice für DigitecGalaxus AG in Bern
• Serviceaushilfe für die Rhyschänzli Gruppe in Basel
• Erstausbildung und Mitarbeiterin im Kundendienst für Manor AG
Profile Peter Kleiber Marketing & Communication
Individual marketing
One of my strengths is the ability to analyze each project and each object individually and to recognize and define possible uses. As a result, usage and marketing concepts are created on which optimal marketing is built.
I developed my basis over many years of work in a wide variety of media:
Editor for Blick and SonntagsBlicK
Founding member and editor of Radio Basilisk
Developer of various newspapers and magazines
Production and editorial manager at local television
Freelance media and communications consultant for over 15 years
Profile Cordula Mezias Marketing & Communication
Creating benefits for everyone involved
Through my many years of work with people, I have trained to quickly understand different subject areas and questions, to grasp the concerns and needs of the parties involved and to develop solutions. Creating values for everyone involved and communicating with people on this basis is a real concern of mine. This is how we develop our approach of presenting real estate in such a way that not only the company but also the person feels addressed.
My diverse professional career allows me to think outside the box and bring new, holistic impulses to real estate management.
Consultant Marketing and Sales at I + G Health Research
Project manager for qualitative market research at Taylor Nelson Sofres
Senior Consultant for international health and pharmaceutical market research at Kantar Health
Coach and alternative practitioner for psychotherapist in her own practice
Trainer for holistic personality development